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Batch Place Stop Orders

  • This endpoint requires signature. For specific signature rules, please refer to Authentication
  • This endpoint will trigger rate limit. For specific rules, please refer to Rate Limit.

HTTP request

POST /spot/batch-stop-order

Request parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeNotes
markettruestringMarket name
market_typetruestringMarket type.
Note: In spot related functions, only SPOT or MARGIN can be used.
In futures related functions, only FUTURES can be used.
sidetruestringOrder side
typetruestringOrder type
ccyfalsestringCurrency name. When the order type is market, you can select and place orders by specifying the currency name.
The currency name can only be selected from the base currency or quote currency in the market.
For example, in the BTCUSDT market, you can choose either BTC or USDT.
amounttruestringOrder amount
pricefalsestringOrder price
trigger_pricetruestringStop order trigger price
client_idfalsestringUser-defined ID
is_hidefalseboolWhether to hide the orders, default as: false

Return parameters

Parameter NameTypeNotes
stop_idintStop order ID

Request example

"orders": [
"market": "CETUSDT",
"market_type": "MARGIN",
"side": "buy",
"type": "limit",
"amount": "10000",
"price": "1",
"trigger_price": "1.1",
"client_id": "user1",
"is_hide": true

Response example

"code": 0,
"data": [
"code": 0,
"data": {
"stop_id": 287330817
"message": "OK"
"message": "OK"