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Rate Limit

Rate limits are mainly divided into two types.

IP Rate Limit, which is based on the user's IP address and limits the access rate from that IP. Currently, the limit setting is relatively high, and users generally will not trigger such limits.

User Rate Limit, which is based on the user's trading account. It includes a Short Cycle Rate Limit and a Long Cycle Rate Limit. Their differences are as follows:

  • Short Cycle Rate Limit: The main account and its created sub-accounts are independently subject to the Short Cycle Rate Limit. This means that each account has its own limits and quotas, which are independent of other accounts.
  • Long Cycle Rate Limit: The main account and its created sub-accounts share the same rate limit quota. This means that requests from all accounts will affect this shared quota, and requests from all accounts will be deducted from the same quota.

IP Rate Limit

Rate limit: 400/s

User Rate Limit

User Rate Limit is divided into two modes: Short Cycle Rate Limit and Long Cycle Rate Limit.

  • Short Cycle Rate limit tends to control the short-term request volume and prevent malicious use of the API.
  • Long Cycle Rate Limit tends to control the long-term request volume and prevent abuse of API resources.

Short Cycle Rate Limit

The current rate limits are based on groups, and the corresponding relationships between groups can be seen in the following section.

This rate limit strategy is based on grouped request paths to control the request frequency on specific paths. Here is a detailed description:

Grouping: Request paths are divided into multiple groups, each group containing a set of related paths. Paths with similar functions or characteristics are grouped together.

Request Quota: Each group has a shared request quota that represents the number of requests allowed for that group within a specific period. The quota is dynamically restored based on the rate-limiting frequency.

Rate Limiting Frequency: Each group will have a rate-limiting frequency, which is the maximum amount of request quota that can be recovered per second. For example, if the rate limiting frequency is 20r/s, it means that the request quota recovers by 20 requests per second.

Rate Limiting Strategy: When a request is received, the system first determines the group to which the request belongs. Then, the system checks if the request quota for that group allows processing of the request.

a. If the request quota is higher than zero, the request is allowed to be processed and the quota is reduced. After the request is processed, the system can return the corresponding results.

b. If the request margin is zero, the request will be refused. The system will return an error code indicating that the request has exceeded the usage limit.

  1. Account Short Cycle Rate Limit (Spot)
  • The main and sub-accounts are separately rate-limited and do not affect each other.
Endpoint TypeRate LimitPath
Place & Modify Spot Order30r/1sPOST /spot/order *Place order
POST /spot/stop-order *Place stop order
POST /spot/modify-order *Modify order
POST /spot/modify-stop-order *Modify stop order
Cancel Spot Order60r/1sPOST /spot/cancel-order *Cancel order
POST /spot/cancel-stop-order *Cancel stop order
Batch Place Order10r/1sPOST /spot/batch-order *Place order in batch
POST /spot/batch-stop-order *Place stop order in batch
Batch Cancel Spot Order40r/1sPOST /spot/cancel-batch-order *Cancel order in batch
Get Spot Order Status50r/1sGET /spot/order-status *Get order status
GET /spot/batch-order-status *Batch get order status
GET /spot/pending-order *Get pending order
GET /spot/pending-stop-order *Get pending stop order
Get Spot Order History10r/1sGET /spot/order-deals *Get order deals
GET /spot/user-deals *Get user deals
GET /spot/finished-order *Get finished order
GET /spot/finished-stop-order *Get finished stop order
Modify Spot Account10r/1sPOST /account/settings *Modify Account Settings
POST /assets/margin-borrow *Margin Borrow
POST /assets/margin-repay *Margin Repay
POST /assets/transfer *Asset Transfer
POST /account/subs *Create subaccount
POST /account/subs/frozen *Freeze subaccount
POST /account/subs/unfrozen *Unfreeze subaccount
POST /account/subs/api *Create subaccount APIKEY
POST /account/subs/edit-api *Modify subaccount APIKEY
POST /account/subs/delete-api *Delete subaccount APIKEY
POST /account/subs/transfer *Subaccount asset transfer
POST /assets/renewal-deposit-address *Renew deposit address
POST /assets/withdraw *Submit withdrawal
POST /assets/cancel-withdraw *Cancel withdrawal
Get Spot Account Status10r/1sGET /assets/spot/balance *Get spot account balance
GET /account/trade-fee-rate *Get trading fee rate
GET /assets/amm/liquidity *Get AMM account liquidity
GET /assets/financial/balance *Get financial account balance
GET /assets/credit/info *Get credit account info
GET /account/subs/api *Get subaccount APIKEY list
GET /account/subs/api-detail *Get subaccount APIKEY details
GET /assets/deposit-address *Get deposit address
Get Spot Account Record10r/1sGET /assets/withdraw *Get withdrawal history
GET /assets/deposit-history *Get deposit history
GET /assets/statement *Get user assets history
GET /assets/transfer-history *Get account transfer history
GET /assets/margin/borrow-history *Get margin borrow history
GET /account/subs/transfer-history *Get subaccount transfer history
  1. Account Short Cycle Rate Limit (Futures)
  • The main and sub-accounts are separately rate-limited and do not affect each other.
Endpoint typeRate limitIncluding the below endpoint paths
Futures order placement, modification and position adjustment20r/1sPOST /futures/order *Place order
POST /futures/stop-order *Place stop order
POST /futures/close-position *Market close all position
POST /futures/adjust-position-margin *Adjust position margin
POST /futures/adjust-position-leverage *Adjust position leverage
POST /futures/set-position-stop-loss *Set position stop loss
POST /futures/set-position-take-profit *Set position take profit
POST /futures/modify-order *Modify order
POST /futures/modify-stop-order *Modify stop order
Cancel futures order40r/1sPOST /futures/cancel-order *Cancel order
POST /futures/cancel-stop-order *Cancel stop order
Batch Place Order10r/1sPOST /futures/batch-order *Place order in batch
POST /futures/batch-stop-order *Place stop order in batch
Batch cancel futures orders20r/1sPOST /futures/cancel-batch-order *Batch cancel orders
POST /futures/cancel-batch-stop-order *Batch cancel stop orders
Query futures order50r/1sGET /futures/pending-order *Get unfilled order
GET /futures/pending-stop-order *Get unfilled stop order
GET /futures/order-status *Query order status
Query futures order history10r/1sGET /futures/finished-order *Get filled order
GET /futures/finished-stop-order *Get filled stop order
Query futures account10r/1sGET /assets/futures/balance *Get futures account balance
GET /futures/position-funding-history *Get position funding rate history
GET /futures/pending-position *Get current position

When accessing an endpoint that triggers rate limit, the following two Header will be returned in the HTTP response header.

  • X-RateLimit-Limit. This value indicates the maximum number of accesses per second allowed by the group to which the endpoint belongs.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining. This value indicates the current number of remaining accesses for the group to which the endpoint belongs.
  • X-RateLimit-LongPeriod-{period}-Remaining.This value indicates the number of remaining accesses in the currently configured long period of the group to which the endpoint belongs, and period indicates the limit period, such as 1H, 4H, 8H or 24H.

Long Cycle Rate Limit

Long Cycle Rate Limit primarily evaluates the user's request volume and request quality to determine whether to restrict the total volume of requests within a longer cycle. Among them, request quality mainly includes other reference indicators such as effective trading rate and average order survival time.

The concepts mentioned above are explained as follows:

  • Cycle. Unlike short cycle rate limit, the cycle here refers to a longer statistical cycle, such as 1h, 4h, 8h, or 24h.
  • Request Volume. The total sum of all requests within one cycle for a specific group.
  • Request Quality. It mainly includes other reference indicators such as effective trading rate and average order lifespan.
  • Effective Trading Rate. The effective trading rate in a cycle = the number of valid orders (completed orders with executive trading) / the total number of orders.
  • Average Order Lifespan. The average lifespan of orders within a cycle, calculated as the difference between the creation time and completion time of each order.

Only when both the request volume and request quality indicators exceed the limit will it be affected by long cycle rate limit.

The long cycle rate limit will be reset after the end of a cycle and the statistics of the cycle are based on whole hours. For example, assuming that the period of the long cycle rate limit is 8h, then there will be three statistical cycles in a day, namely 0~8h , 8~16h, 16~24h.

After the long cycle rate limit is triggered, API requests will be placed in low-speed mode, where the allowed rate for each group will be significantly reduced. However, it will not restrict users from canceling orders.


When accessing an endpoint that triggers long-term rate limit, the following Header will be returned in the HTTP response header.

  • X-RateLimit-LongPeriod-{period}-Remaining.This value indicates the number of remaining accesses in the currently configured long period of the group to which the endpoint belongs, and period indicates the limit period, such as 1H, 4H, 8H or 24H.For example: X-RateLimit-LongPeriod-24H-Remaining.In addition, there may be multiple long-period frequency limiting rules in effect at the same time, that is, multiple headers with different periods will be returned at the same time.
  1. Common error codes and processing methods after the rate limit is triggered.
Error CodeMethod
3008Service busy, please try again later.
4001Service unavailable, please try again later.
4213Rate limit triggered. Please adjust your strategy and reduce the request rate.
  1. Other error handling

If you encounter other errors, you can refer to Error Handling.