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Modify Stop Order

  • This endpoint requires signature. For specific signature rules, please refer to Authentication
  • This endpoint will trigger rate limit. For specific rules, please refer to Rate Limit.
  • Modifying an order will cancel the old order and create a new order.The old stop_id will be invalid after order modification.

HTTP request

POST /spot/modify-stop-order

Request parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeNotes
markettruestringMarket name
market_typetruestringMarket type.
Note: In spot related functions, only SPOT or MARGIN can be used.
In futures related functions, only FUTURES can be used.
stop_idtrueintStop order ID
amountfalsestringOrder amount, which should include at least one of the three parameters, amount/price/trigger_price
pricefalsestringOrder price, which should include at least one of the three parameters, amount/price/trigger_price
trigger_pricefalsestringStop order trigger price, which should include at least one of the three parameters, amount/price/trigger_price

Return parameter

Parameter NameTypeNotes
stop_idintStop order ID

Request example

"market": "CETUSDT",
"market_type": "MARGIN",
"stop_id": 13213,
"amount": "10000",
"price": "1",
"trigger_price": "1.1"

Response example

"code": 0,
"data": {
"stop_id": 287330817
"message": "OK "