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Get Market Status

HTTP request

GET /futures/market

Request parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeNotes
marketfalsestringList of market names. Use "," to separate multiple market names, a maximum of 10 markets are allowed. An empty string or pass to query all markets.

Return parameters

Parameter NameTypeNotes
marketstringMarket name
contract_typestringContract Type
maker_fee_ratestringMaker fee rate
taker_fee_ratestringTaker fee rate
min_amountstringMin. transaction volume
base_ccystringBase currency
quote_ccystringQuote currency
base_ccy_precisionintBase currency decimal
quote_ccy_precisionintQuote currency decimal
tick_sizestringTick size
open_interest_volumestringFutures position size
is_market_availableboolWhether the market is open
is_copy_trading_availableboolWhether to enable copy trading

Request example

GET /futures/market?market=BTCUSDT

Response example

"code": 0,
"data": [
"market": "BTCUSDT",
"contract_type": "linear",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.002",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.002",
"min_amount": "0.0005",
"base_ccy": "BTC",
"quote_ccy": "USDT",
"base_ccy_precision": 8,
"quote_ccy_precision": 2,
"tick_size": "0.5",
"is_market_available": true,
"is_copy_trading_available": true,
"leverage": ["3", "5", "8", "10", "15", "20", "30", "50", "100"],
"open_interest_volume": "100"
"message": "OK"