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Get Market Funding Rate

HTTP request

GET /futures/funding-rate

Request parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeNotes
marketfalsestringList of market names. Use "," to separate multiple market names, a maximum of 10 markets are allowed. An empty string or pass to query all markets.

Return parameters

Parameter NameTypeNotes
marketstringMarket name
mark_pricestringMark price
latest_funding_ratestringCurrent funding rate. The funding rate at the current settlement time, calculated every minute, for reference only.
If the funding rate is positive, the long positions pay the short side;
If the funding rate is negative, the short positions pay the long side.
next_funding_ratestringNext funding rate. Consistent with the current funding rate.At the time of funding rate collection, the predicted funding rate = current funding rate
max_funding_ratestringMax. funding rate.The upper limit of the funding rate at the current market.
min_funding_ratestringMin. funding rate.The lower limit of the funding rate at the current market.
latest_funding_timeintThe time when the current funding rate is collected. Funding rates are calculated every minute and are paid/collected once every 8 hours by default. When the premium rate is too high, it can be dynamically adjusted to 2h or 4h.
next_funding_timeintThe time when the next funding rate will be collected. Funding rates are calculated every minute and are paid/collected once every 8 hours by default. When the premium rate is too high, it can be dynamically adjusted to 2h or 4h.

Response example

GET /futures/funding-rate?market=LATUSDT,ELONUSDT

Response example

"code": 0,
"data": [
"market": "LATUSDT",
"mark_price": "0.008157",
"latest_funding_rate": "-0.00007488",
"next_funding_rate": "-0.00027732",
"max_funding_rate": "0.00375",
"min_funding_rate": "-0.00375",
"latest_funding_time": 1642145331234,
"next_funding_time": 1642231731234
"market": "ELONUSDT",
"mark_price": "0.000000152823",
"latest_funding_rate": "-0.00003688",
"next_funding_rate": "-0.00013372",
"max_funding_rate": "0.00375",
"min_funding_rate": "-0.00375",
"latest_funding_time": 1642145331234,
"next_funding_time": 1642231731234
"message": "OK"