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Get Coin Info

HTTP request

GET /assets/info

Request parameters

Parameter NameRequiredTypeNotes
ccyfalsestringCurrency name.
  • Returns data of all currencies by default.

Return parameters

Parameter NameTypeNotes
short_namestringCoin/token ticker
full_namestringCoin/token full name
website_urlstringCoin official website
white_paper_urlstringCoin whitepaper url
chain_info[]objectPublic chain info
chain_info.chain_namestringChain name
chain_info.identitystringThe unique identifier for the public chain coins, whereas in most chains, the contract address is used as the unique identifier, such as the ETH public chain
chain_info.explorer_urlstringPublic chain explorer url where the coins can be uniquely identified by the explorer url combined with the coin's unique identifier.

Response example

GET /assets/info?ccy=CET

Response example

"code": 0,
"data": [
"short_name": "CET",
"full_name": "CoinEx Token",
"website_url": "",
"white_paper_url": "",
"chain_info": [
"chain_name": "CSC",
"identity": "",
"explorer_url": ""
"chain_name": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"identity": "0x081f67afa0ccf8c7b17540767bbe95df2ba8d97f",
"explorer_url": ""
"message": "OK"